About Us
Valley Gardens Playschool is a not for profit (non-profit) organization, as well as a registered charity, and has been in operation since 1977. It all started when 3 mothers believed that our community needed a Playschool for children to meet other children their own age, as well as to help children prepare and ease into kindergarten. In August 1975, the Valley Gardens Playschool was approved by the Manitoba Government. The River East School Division has been very supportive of the playschool by providing space in the Bertrun E. Glavin Elementary School for us. We believe that by providing a playschool program within an elementary school setting, children have an easier time making the transition to kindergarten.
Valley Gardens Playschool believes that all children are entitled to a safe and stimulating environment to develop and enhance their skills. We also believe that the Playschool has a responsibility to meet community and children's needs by providing a safe, loving, and stimulating environment led by qualified and educated caregivers (Early Childhood Educators) who truly love being with and working with children.
At Valley Gardens Playschool Inc. we believe that each child is a unique and individual with rights to love, respect and quality care.
Children should have optimal experiences for physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth. They should be encouraged to develop creativity, self-confidence and a positive self-image. They should also have an opportunity to learn to make choices and decisions to solve problems and to become independent, capable thinkers.
Since children are active learners, they are entitled to a safe and stimulating environment where they can explore their surroundings. This ability to learn should be fostered so that learning and growth are a fun and playful process.
Children proceed through levels of development at various rates and therefore early childhood educators, in addition to being warm, loving individuals, are be trained in child development as well as having plentiful practical experiences.
Since parents play the most important role in their child's life, their participation and interest in the time their child spends at Playschool is welcomed.
Valley Gardens Playschool Inc. will carry this philosophy through on a daily basis by providing:
a safe, happy, healthy and caring environment.
a balance of structured and non-structured activities (see Daily Schedule).
an environment in which children are allowed many choices which will foster independence.
many different ways for children to express themselves in a positive manner, such as through words, music, art and body movements.
praise and encouragement for every accomplishment whether big or small
Valley Gardens Playschool Inc. will also provide children with the opportunity to develop:
a positive self image through positive reinforcement, their accomplishments and learning about themselves.
an understanding of the feelings of others by allowing them to express their feelings and by respecting the expressed feelings of others
language skills through socializing and interacting with others, parroting appropriate role models through conversations, stories and songs..
large and small muscle skills through a variety of experiences.