Welcome to

Play. Learn. Grow.
We are a Nursery Program located in B.E Glavin School. We offer classes two hours in length that run two or three times per week. Our program has a strong focus on kindergarten readiness skills. These skills are developed through unstructured and structured activities. We follow the needs and skill level of each child to prepare them for their transition into school. We provide opportunities for learning in all developmental areas (social/emotional, cognitive and fine/gross motor) in the classroom and outdoors.
​Registration for the 2024/2025 school year is now full, however the waitlist is open
If you wish to put your child on the waitlist, go the the Register tab.
166 Antrim Rd
Winnipeg, MB
R2K 3L2
3 year old class, 2021 birthyear
Tuesday & Thursday
Mornings 9:15-11:15
16 spaces
Polar Bears
4 year old class, 2020 birthyear
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mornings 9:15-11:15
16 spaces
4 year old class, 2020 birthyear
Monday & Wednesday
Afternoons 1:00-3:00
16 spaces
4 year old class, 2020 birthyear
Tuesday & Thursday
Afternoons 1:00-3:00
16 spaces